Harold Mallari--------5-3-----dropped in Day 1-------B/U Kelpie
Ralf Allen Santos-----11-3-----9th place overall-------WW Kithkins
Nathaniel Mallari----- 9-5-----made it to top 64------WW Kithkins
Ray Ann Santos-------5-3-----dropped in Day 1------B/W Hybrids
Special Mention:
Micheal Batac--------10-4----made it to top 32-------Quick and Toast
Ian Mark-------------5-3-----dropped in Day 1-------Quick and Toast
Fritz------------------5-3-----dropped in Day 1-------B/R control
Rickson---------------5-3-----dropped in Day 1-------Faeries
Total Winnings: $1750.00
I had so much fun watching the Japanese players compete. They are very humble people eventhough they're having a hard time speak in English. They have so much passion for this game and that's why they are so good at it.
For complete coverage please check this site.
We had a picture with Mr. Shuuhei Nakamura, one of the coolest player in Magic, but im still waiting for my friend to forward it to me. For the mean time lets just enjoy these. ^^

The Featured Match Table
Our Dota Team had a huge success in Batangas too. Winning 2 games to none, I had all the confidence for these guys, no worries at all. ^^
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